Exciting News! Archive Pages Pro is Released.

Exciting news! Archive Pages Pro is out.

Back in my agency days, a co-worker asked me, "Why don't custom post types have archive pages like blog posts do?"

I decided to code a solution, and the end result was a plugin called Custom Query Blocks. Some users of the plugin complained that Custom Query Blocks is essentially two plugins: an archive mapper, and a block suite.

As a result, I've forked the functionality of Custom Query Blocks into its own dedicated plugin: Archive Pages Pro.

Archive Pages Pro is for classic legacy sites

Archive Pages Pro is designed for those stuck on legacy or classic/hybrid block setups where you need a no-code solution to create archives.

Almost any WordPresser can customize a page, and that's the beauty of Archive Pages Pro. Layout how you want your page to look, head to Settings->Reading, and map the archive.

You also have the ability to map terms and authors to a page.

Author Archive Mapping
Map a Term Archive to a Page

The mapped pages will redirect to the archive, and any SEO customizations should be brought over.

At the time of launch, Archive Pages Pro supports:

  • Yoast SEO
  • RankMath
  • All in One SEO
  • Breadcrumbs NavXT

The admin options for Archive Pages Pro allow you to:

  • Enable Per Post Type Overrides: you can enable page templates for post types, modify registration arguments, and enable the post type for the block editor.
  • Map Custom Fields to REST: If you have a block plugin which supports data, it'll often require custom fields to be registered with the REST API. You can do so via code, or through Archive Pages Pro's custom field mapping tool.
  • Change the Author Base: You're able to change the author base URL in the admin options.

There are a ton more features, so please check out the plugin when you get a chance.

The Bundle Has Been Updated With Archive Pages Pro

Archive Pages Pro is part of the Bundle, so if you're already a customer, you should see the download and license key.

The Bundle gives you a 50-site license for all my premium plugins for $99 a year. In addition, I also offer priority support for all my free plugins for bundle purchasers.

That's all for now. Thank you so much for being a subscriber. Until next time.

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