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Exciting Product Updates, New Tutorials, and a Personal Note!
Published 9 months ago • 3 min read
I've been busy...
It seems like my productivity comes in bursts, and when it rains, it pours. I'll be going over several product updates and running you through my latest tutorials.
As far as a health update, you may remember I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Well, I caved to the doctor and said I wanted a pacemaker. He did another ultrasound on my heart to double-check, and it actually improved to 45% (from the low 30's). So I no longer need a pacemaker! This is great news, as I didn't anticipate getting better.
I'd like to thank all of the newsletter readers who messaged me voicing support and sympathies. I really do appreciate it.
Let's get this newsletter started, shall we?
QuotesDLX 3.0 is here with citations and shortcode support
A customer shared their website with me where QuotesDLX was being used, and I saw that they were having trouble with attribution. I've played with adding citations to QuotesDLX before, but I never finished or polished the feature. Well, I circled back, and now citations are a reality.
Shortcodes have also come to QuotesDLX. I've found that the block editor isn't catching on like most would hope, so to bridge the gap, I've created a shortcode for those using the Classic Editor or a page builder.
New tutorial: How to create a Live Preview of your .org plugin with Blueprints
Build a Block From Scratch
You may have noticed that some plugins on have a Live Preview next to the plugin banner. You can create these for your own plugin using Blueprints.
In this tutorial I walk you through what Blueprints are, how to test them, and how to deploy them.
In this long-form tutorial, I walk you through setting up a block and shipping it. If you're interested in block development, this is a great read. If you have any React experience, you'll be right at home.
I chose Gravatar as an example so I'd have the opportunity to show you how to do REST calls from within a block.
Comment Edit Pro is a powerful plugin with many integrations and helpers. A few customers have requested Flodesk, and I'm glad to release the feature.
The Flodesk integration is in addition to the Mailchimp and Convertkit integrations I released last year.
New tutorial: How to Use Namespaces in Your Plugin
Namespaces Are Very Useful in Large Plugins
If you're creating a WordPress plugin, it's important to namespace your plugin, or provide it with a unique identifier. This tutorial walks you through what namespaces are from a beginner perpsective.
With inline lazy loading, the lazy loading feature is feature complete. For the next version of Ajaxify, I want to focus more on real-time validation of the comment form, and the ability to customize pagination.
Exciting news! Archive Pages Pro is out. Back in my agency days, a co-worker asked me, "Why don't custom post types have archive pages like blog posts do?" I decided to code a solution, and the end result was a plugin called Custom Query Blocks. Some users of the plugin complained that Custom Query Blocks is essentially two plugins: an archive mapper, and a block suite. As a result, I've forked the functionality of Custom Query Blocks into its own dedicated plugin: Archive Pages Pro. Archive...
Hello again.It's been a busy time for updates. I constantly struggle with procrastination and burnout, so when I feel productivity coming on, I try to embrace it fully. I've put a lot into my free plugins lately, and I'd like to share what's new. Let's get to it, shall we? Plugin Info Card gets a ratings card and overridable titles I've had a bit of time to focus on Plugin Info Card of late. Let's go over what's new. New Ratings Card New Ratings Card in Plugin Info Card A new ratings card is...
Hearty-har-har Hi again, and welcome to another newsletter edition. I thought I'd start with a health update, so let's get into it. I've mentioned in previous newsletters that my heart function has reduced and that my heart doctor wasn't optimistic about my future. However, I was able to do a follow-up and my heart function is about the same as it was six months ago. While not great news, at least this means things aren't getting worse. A shift in priorities With health being on my mind all...