Several Awesome Product Updates. Photo Block is in Beta. Introducing the Bundle.

Hello again.It's been a busy time for updates.

I constantly struggle with procrastination and burnout, so when I feel productivity coming on, I try to embrace it fully. I've put a lot into my free plugins lately, and I'd like to share what's new.

Let's get to it, shall we?

Plugin Info Card gets a ratings card and overridable titles

I've had a bit of time to focus on Plugin Info Card of late. Let's go over what's new.

New Ratings Card

A new ratings card is now available. It features a prominent rating, with some quick stats below such as version number and install count.

Showing off your ratings is a neat way to add some social proof and show the quality of a plugin when you list it out.

New Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Integration

One unique downside to Plugin Info Card is that it can only show plugins and themes from Since I'm an EDD user, I explored what it would take to show EDD plugins with it too.

The result is an amazing integration between the two, allowing you to quickly show off your EDD downloads just like you would .org ones.

It neatly pulls in all the EDD data, and displays some nice statistics as well.

Plugin and Theme Title Overrides

One annoying aspect of is that people can put whatever they want as part of a plugin title. I decided to add the ability to override the title so that the layout looks a lot less cluttered.

Additionally, I also added the ability to exclude plugins from the grids so that you have complete control over what's displayed.

Highlight and Share gets image sharing and shortcode support

Highlight and Share received a nice 5.0 update, including:

  • Pinterest and Web Share is now available for images
  • The Click to Share block has received a shortcode
  • You can now enable Highlight and Share on comments.

AlertsDLX gets dismissals and custom colors

AlertsDLX is an awesome free tool for adding callouts and notifications to your pages and posts, and with 2.0, it gets even better.

Included in this release are:

  1. Time-based dismissals.
  2. Custom colors per block or shortcode.
  3. Dark mode for Bootstrap.
  4. Better InnerBlocks support for inputting anything within an alert.

Photo Block is Nearing Release

I've talked about Photo Block in this newsletter before, and I'm pleased to announce that I've submitted it to as a free plugin.

This block is a game changer, and I've been using it on a few sites for a bit now and it saves a ton of time compared to the original image block.

Please check out the soft-launch for the landing page, where you can download a version from GitHub while waiting on .org approval.

Archive Pages Pro is Nearing Release

For those stuck on Classic Editor sites, or even hybrid sites, getting archive pages to work for custom post types can be a pain.

Archive Pages Pro allows you to set up archives for post types, taxonomy terms, 404 pages, and even author pages.

It also has a wealth of admin options, allowing you to set up overrides and add different post-type features.

Archive Pages Pro is a premium plugin and will be available soon.

Introducing the Bundle

I realize I have several premium plugins out there, and there is often a matter of choice or preference regarding licenses and pricing.

As a result, I'm introducing The Bundle, which will give you a 50-site license for all my premium plugins for $99 a year. In addition, I also offer priority support for all my free plugins for bundle purchasers.

The Bundle will always include any premium plugins I create, so its value will continue to increase. Plus, subscribers get a renewal discount.

That's all for now. Thank you so much for being a subscriber. Until next time.

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Exciting news! Archive Pages Pro is out. Back in my agency days, a co-worker asked me, "Why don't custom post types have archive pages like blog posts do?" I decided to code a solution, and the end result was a plugin called Custom Query Blocks. Some users of the plugin complained that Custom Query Blocks is essentially two plugins: an archive mapper, and a block suite. As a result, I've forked the functionality of Custom Query Blocks into its own dedicated plugin: Archive Pages Pro. Archive...

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