A New Photo Block is Coming Soon. Three New Tutorials. A Comment Edit Pro Update.

A new photo block is arriving soon...

I've been hard at work on a new photo block. It's coming very soon and I'm looking forward to what people can do with it.

Anatomy of a photo block

Speaking of the photo block, I wrote a rather long and detailed developer diary entry explaining all of the aspects of the new photo block I'm working on. It'll give you a really good idea of what's possible with this upcoming block. There's a demo link at the beginning and end of the article.

New Tutorial: Making plugins network-only

WordPress multisite is a complex topic, and if you're a plugin developer, you may want your plugin to only load for the entire network instead of a few sites. This brief tutorial shows you how to force your WordPress plugin to be network-activated.

Featured WordPress Plugin

Syntax-highlighting Code Block

This plugin extends the Code block and allows for syntax highlighting of your code snippets. This plugin is very powerful and works for everything I have thrown at it so far. It's a really great plugin for highlighting code. I even wrote a review of it a few years ago.

New Tutorial: How to add custom menu items to the WordPress admin

This tutorial demonstrates how to add custom menu items to the WordPress admin as a plugin author. I even cover top-level menu items, which are a bit controversial.

New Tutorial: Use Akismet to stop search engine spam

Akismet provides great comment and form spam protection. Did you know you can also use it to combat search engine spam too? This tutorial walks you through using Akismet to protect you from bot spam.

Comment Edit Pro update

I recently received a feature request to make Comment Edit Lite/Pro compatible with WooCommerce reviews.

I really like this feature request, but the Comment Edit plugins are designed for WordPress comments, not reviews.

I investigated what this would take in order to allow editing for WooCommerce reviews and concluded a lot of the JavaScript needed a rethink. I have since rewritten part of the plugin so that adding compatibility to other comment types is possible and feasible.

I'll continue working on this feature, but it's slow going with work on the photo block taking a higher priority.

That's all for now. Thank you so much for being a subscriber.

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