๐Ÿš€ Unveiling GB Hacks and the PMPro Turnstile Add-On + Health Updates & InnerBlocks Tutorial!


Let's get the morbid news out of the way

In June of last year, I was hospitalized for pneumonia, and a cardiologist discovered that my heart function is about 35% of normal. In other words, I have congestive heart failure.

The long-term prognosis doesn't look great, and the doctor told me that I have about a year left.

While the news is a bit depressing, I'd rather keep busy and get as much done as I can with my time left.

Speaking of being busy, here's what's been going on for the past several months.

Introducing GB Hacks for GenerateBlocks

I'm a big fan of GenerateBlocks, and I use it on almost every project. The GB Hacks add-on enhances GenerateBlocks and provides some useful features.

Some features of the GB Hacks add-on include:

  • Set the defaulit block to the Headline block
  • Wrap multi-selected blocks in the Container block
  • Generate new Unique IDs for a block and its children
  • Add Adobe Fonts to the GenerateBlocks typography section

GB Hacks is free for up to 5 sites.

Introducing Turnstile for Paid Memberhsips Pro Sites

I've decided to release an add-on for Paid Memberships Pro that enables Cloudflare Turnstile on the various forms that come with PMPro.

While there are other plugins out there that do the same thing, I've added a few useful features such as excluding Turnstile protection for certain membership levels.โ€‹โ€‹

Tutorial: InnerBlocks Galore

InnerBlocks for block developers are a complicated topic, and I've done my best to make the information easy to digest.

I've been working on this article off-and-on for about four months, and I realized while writing it how little I actually knew about how InnerBlocks work.

The result is a comprehensive InnerBlocks tutorial that explains the what and why of how InnerBlocks work.

WP Plugin Info Card is Getting a New Admin

I've been working on a new admin for WP Plugin info Card in anticipation of the new screenshots feature I've been working on for the plugin.

The screenshots feature is proving to be more complicated than I anticipated, as it downloads images from .org. Keeping .org images up to date and having shortcode compatibility is intense and will require some background processing.

That's all for now. Thank you so much for reading and being a subscriber.

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