I'm a big fan of GenerateBlocks, and I use it on almost every project. The GB Hacks add-on enhances GenerateBlocks and provides some useful features. Some features of the GB Hacks add-on include:
GB Hacks is free for up to 5 sites.
Introducing Turnstile for Paid Memberhsips Pro SitesI've decided to release an add-on for Paid Memberships Pro that enables Cloudflare Turnstile on the various forms that come with PMPro. While there are other plugins out there that do the same thing, I've added a few useful features such as excluding Turnstile protection for certain membership levels.โโ
Tutorial: InnerBlocks GaloreInnerBlocks for block developers are a complicated topic, and I've done my best to make the information easy to digest. I've been working on this article off-and-on for about four months, and I realized while writing it how little I actually knew about how InnerBlocks work. The result is a comprehensive InnerBlocks tutorial that explains the what and why of how InnerBlocks work.
WP Plugin Info Card is Getting a New AdminI've been working on a new admin for WP Plugin info Card in anticipation of the new screenshots feature I've been working on for the plugin. The screenshots feature is proving to be more complicated than I anticipated, as it downloads images from .org. Keeping .org images up to date and having shortcode compatibility is intense and will require some background processing. That's all for now. Thank you so much for reading and being a subscriber. |
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Exciting news! Archive Pages Pro is out. Back in my agency days, a co-worker asked me, "Why don't custom post types have archive pages like blog posts do?" I decided to code a solution, and the end result was a plugin called Custom Query Blocks. Some users of the plugin complained that Custom Query Blocks is essentially two plugins: an archive mapper, and a block suite. As a result, I've forked the functionality of Custom Query Blocks into its own dedicated plugin: Archive Pages Pro. Archive...
Hello again.It's been a busy time for updates. I constantly struggle with procrastination and burnout, so when I feel productivity coming on, I try to embrace it fully. I've put a lot into my free plugins lately, and I'd like to share what's new. Let's get to it, shall we? Plugin Info Card gets a ratings card and overridable titles I've had a bit of time to focus on Plugin Info Card of late. Let's go over what's new. New Ratings Card New Ratings Card in Plugin Info Card A new ratings card is...
I've been busy... It seems like my productivity comes in bursts, and when it rains, it pours. I'll be going over several product updates and running you through my latest tutorials. As far as a health update, you may remember I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Well, I caved to the doctor and said I wanted a pacemaker. He did another ultrasound on my heart to double-check, and it actually improved to 45% (from the low 30's). So I no longer need a pacemaker! This is great news, as I...