Hello again.It's been a busy time for updates. I constantly struggle with procrastination and burnout, so when I feel productivity coming on, I try to embrace it fully. I've put a lot into my free plugins lately, and I'd like to share what's new. Let's get to it, shall we? Plugin Info Card gets a ratings card and overridable titles I've had a bit of time to focus on Plugin Info Card of late. Let's go over what's new. New Ratings Card New Ratings Card in Plugin Info Card A new ratings card is...
7 months ago • 3 min read
I've been busy... It seems like my productivity comes in bursts, and when it rains, it pours. I'll be going over several product updates and running you through my latest tutorials. As far as a health update, you may remember I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Well, I caved to the doctor and said I wanted a pacemaker. He did another ultrasound on my heart to double-check, and it actually improved to 45% (from the low 30's). So I no longer need a pacemaker! This is great news, as I...
9 months ago • 3 min read
Hearty-har-har Hi again, and welcome to another newsletter edition. I thought I'd start with a health update, so let's get into it. I've mentioned in previous newsletters that my heart function has reduced and that my heart doctor wasn't optimistic about my future. However, I was able to do a follow-up and my heart function is about the same as it was six months ago. While not great news, at least this means things aren't getting worse. A shift in priorities With health being on my mind all...
11 months ago • 3 min read
Let's get the morbid news out of the way In June of last year, I was hospitalized for pneumonia, and a cardiologist discovered that my heart function is about 35% of normal. In other words, I have congestive heart failure. The long-term prognosis doesn't look great, and the doctor told me that I have about a year left. While the news is a bit depressing, I'd rather keep busy and get as much done as I can with my time left. Speaking of being busy, here's what's been going on for the past...
about 1 year ago • 1 min read
I've adopted Ajaxify Comments I'm the proud new plugin author of Ajaxify Comments. Ajaxify Comments allows you to post comments without a reload. It also avoids the white-screen error messages of comments by loading the errors inline as the user submits the comment. Quick Demo of Ajaxify Comments in Action The original authors were looking for a new maintainer, and I happened upon the adoption notice and was a bit dismayed that the plugin was effectively unmaintained. I contacted the owners...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Let's get life-changing... About two months ago, a little before my 42nd birthday, my girlfriend convinced me to go to the emergency room when I was having trouble breathing. I thought they were going to give me some asthma medicine and call it a day. The doctor was concerned after an image of my lungs was taken, so I was transported to another hospital where I awaited further tests. The diagnosis was technically pneumonia at that point, so the fluid was drained and I was to have surgery to...
over 1 year ago • 5 min read
WordPress 6.3 is releasing soon WordPress 6.3 is due to be released on August 8th. It has a ton of block editor improvements and I'm looking forward to this release. I have a few 6.3 tutorials in this newsletter, one about the new command palette and one about development mode. Tutorial: A New WordPress Command Palette is Releasing Soon If you're a Mac user, you're probably familiar with Spotlight. The WordPress command palette acts in a similar fashion. Coming with WordPress 6.3, you can use...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
A new photo block is arriving soon... I've been hard at work on a new photo block. It's coming very soon and I'm looking forward to what people can do with it. Anatomy of a photo block Speaking of the photo block, I wrote a rather long and detailed developer diary entry explaining all of the aspects of the new photo block I'm working on. It'll give you a really good idea of what's possible with this upcoming block. There's a demo link at the beginning and end of the article. Read the...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Welcome. Again. Again. I apologize if you've received this newsletter twice. I've added in a few items to make it worth a second read. I've completed moving over all my newsletter subscribers to ConvertKit. As promised with the last newsletter, I'm giving away my Yeti microphone to one lucky subscriber. Simply reply to this email and let me know what feature you'd like in a brand new photo block. I'll select the winner at random by the end of the week. A new photo block is coming Photo Block...
almost 2 years ago • 3 min read